The wound

You know what

You did the magic

You taught me to think

You taught me to write

You taught me to live and

You taught me to love myself.

You did everything

Every single thing

Which is me right now!

You've got the place.

The place where no one could enter

The place

Which I've been saving for you to get played

The place where it carries all of those wounds

That little heart doesn't know that you've just been giving wounds

It doesn't know that yours has always been with you,

And it never got anything from you

It was pumping insanely to comfort you

Just to comfort you

Despite all these

It never tried to hate you

Never tried to blame you

It's still there

Where you left

All alone

No one by side

Beating the letters of your name

Each and every single letter

Still closed for others

But still pumping for you

For the wounds

And its creator.


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